
 Patients with Emergencies:

Existing patients with genuine emergencies requiring urgent attention will normally be seen within 24hrs during our regular working days. Outside of these hours existing patients can telephone the NHS 111 number where emergency advice and treatment can be obtained. Due to the limited number of slots available patients that have not visited us before or those that have not visited us in sometime should contact the NHS 111 number for an emergency appointment at the local NHS dental access centre. Patient registration was removed by the Government and NHS, when the new dental contract was introduced in 2008. Since registration has been removed our obligation to see emergencies where capacity exists is only to those who are currently undergoing active treatment or those that have completed a full course of treatment with in the last 2 months. Patients seeking emergency NHS care not meeting this criteria should contact NHS 111 and can still be seen at one of the local access centers. This also applies to all patients seeking emergency treatment and advice when the surgery is closed. 

Our staff have the right to work in safe work environment. We reserve the right to refuse any and all future treatment, report to the NHS and Police any patients that are abusive, aggressive or otherwise disrespectful of our staff.   


1. Dental Emergency Classification

Patients who require emergency care are those requiring immediate attention in order to minimise the risk of serious medical complications or prevent long-term dental complications. Their condition is so serious they should go to their local Accident & Emergency department with:

  • Uncontrollable dental haemorrhage following extractions;
  • Rapidly increasing swelling around the throat or eye;
  • Trauma confined to the dental arches.

If you have any of the above you should go to your local A&E Dept. immediately.

2. Dental unscheduled (or urgent) classification

Patients who require urgent care are those requiring attention for:

  • Severe dental and facial pain not controlled by over-the-counter preparations;
  • Dental and soft tissue acute infection

3. Non-urgent dental conditions ( these would not necessarily require an emergency 24 hour appointment )

This may include:

  • Patients not in pain;
  • Aesthetic problems (dislodged crowns and bridges);
  • Patients with broken dentures;
  • Patients with hospital referral letters;
  • Patients requiring permanent restorations;
  • Non traumatic problems with orthodontic appliances;
  • Patients who have no significant pathology;
  • Patients requiring or seeking a second opinion;
  • Patients using Emergency Dental Services as their regular dentist;
  • Requiring surgical extractions (wisdom teeth) and are not in pain.

If the surgery is closed, you should call the NHS 24 helpline on 111.

NHS 24 is available for Text Phone users with hearing and speech difficulties by calling 18001 111.

Language Line is available in 120 languages for people whose native language is not English.

Visit the NHS 24 website on www.nhs24.com for further information

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